Penguin Posters

Professional quality digital images specially processed to provide optimal layout and quality for poster printing. Poster sizes for which the images below have been optimized are indicated. Once payment is received (100 Euro per image), digital files are provided for use for printing a single copy at your local photo shop or from an online provider. All further rights remain with photographer. Actual prints available only on request.

You may download images for free for non-commercial use as postcards. No modifications please.

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Emperor Penguins standing at the ice edge as night falls. Antarctic Peninsula.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm, 60x45cm or 40x30cm. (Note: 3:2 ratio version also available - click here to view)

(Measurements include the white border - photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

African (or Black-Footed) Penguin with Young Chick, Boulders Beach, South Africa.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm, 60x45cm or 40x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

"Penguin Pals" - Emperor Penguin Chicks forming a Creche. Antarctic Peninsula.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm (slightly soft at this size), 60x45cm or 40x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

Rare Yellow-Eyed Penguins showing each other Affection by Allopreening. New Zealand.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm, 60x45cm or 40x30cm. Info: Focus is on eye of front penguin, back penguin slightly unsharp.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

Royal Penguins showing each other Affection by Allopreening. Macquarie Island, Australia.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm, 60x45cm or 40x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

Adelie Penguin eats Snow to take up Fluid. Brown Bluff, Antarctic Peninsula.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm, 60x45cm or 40x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

Rare Fiordland Crested Penguin emerges from the Coastal Forest. New Zealand.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm, 60x45cm or 40x30cm. Info: unavoidable minor burn-out in whites but extremely sharp with focus exactly on eye.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

African (or Black-Footed) Penguin preening at Boulders Beach, South Africa.

Poster optimized for 4:3 ratio print, for example 80x60cm, 60x45cm or 40x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 3:2 aspect ratio).

Emperor Penguin Family. Snow Hill Island Rookery, Antarctic Peninsula.

Poster optimized for 2:3 ratio print, for example 40x60cm or 20x30cm. Info: 50x75 print possible but would be slightly soft due to image resolution.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 2:3 aspect ratio).

Emperor Penguin with several Chicks. Snow Hill Island Rookery, Antarctic Peninsula.

Poster optimized for 2:3 ratio print, for example 40x60cm or 20x30cm. Info: 50x75 print possible but would be slightly soft due to image resolution.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 2:3 aspect ratio).

Rockhopper Penguin, Falkland Islands (UK)

Poster optimized for 2:3 ratio print, for example 50x75cm, 40x60cm or 20x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 2:3 aspect ratio).

King Penguin Chick moulting, South Georgia (UK)

Poster optimized for 2:3 ratio print, for example 50x75cm, 40x60cm or 20x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 2:3 aspect ratio).

King Penguins, Gold Harbour, South Georgia (UK)

Poster optimized for 2:3 ratio print, for example 50x75cm, 40x60cm or 20x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 2:3 aspect ratio).

King Penguins, Gold Harbour, South Georgia (UK)

Poster optimized for 2:3 ratio print, for example 50x75cm, 40x60cm or 20x30cm.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 2:3 aspect ratio).

Emperor Penguin feeding Chick. Snow Hill Island Rookery, Antarctic Peninsula.

Poster optimized for 2:3 ratio print, for example 40x60cm or 20x30cm. Info: 60x80 print possible but would be slightly soft due to image resolution.

Measurements include the white border (photo has 2:3 aspect ratio).

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